- We get a look back at happenings in the feud between Brock Lesnar and Triple H. Triple H’s music hits and out he comes to a big pop.
Triple H talks about how he’s not really a corporate guy – he’s a fighter and an ass kicker. Triple H says Brock Lesnar thinks he’s also a fighter and an ass kicker. Triple H says the last time he saw Lesnar in the ring, he got jumped from behind and his arm broke. Triple H says his arm is feeling a lot better and in a few weeks, it should be 100%. A few weeks after that, he should be back in fighting shape. Triple H says that brings us to the middle of summer some time and proposes a fight for SummerSlam. Get rid of the lawyers, the lawsuits, all the legal junk. Get rid of the fat balding manager, referring to Paul Heyman. Triple H says this is about them two doing what they do – being fighters. Triple H says he wants to fight Lesnar bad. Triple H gets all angry and declares he wants to fight. Triple H says or Brock can be happy with being a quitter. Triple H says he will be waiting and drops the mic before walking to the back.
- Daniel Bryan is backstage warming up when AJ Lee appears. She wants to talk but he’s not trying to hear it. AJ says after all that they have been through, she hasn’t gotten over him. AJ wishes him good luck tonight and kisses him before walking off.
*WWE Divas Title Match: Beth Phoenix vs. (c)Layla
Beth picks Layla up and rams her back into the corner. Layla comes back with a neckbreaker out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: Layla(c)
- AJ finds Kane backstage and wises him good luck, then kisses him. She goes to walk off but Kane pulls her back and kisses her back. They kiss for about a minute before Kane walks off, leaving AJ looking confused.
*Sin Cara vs. Hunico
Cara with a pair of dropkicks and kicks to the gut. Hunico stops Cara with boots from the corner. Cara with his faceplant finisher for the win out of nowhere.
Winner: Sin Cara
WWE Title Match: Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. (c)CM Punk
Kane goes for the Tombstone but Punk slides out. AJ runs down and gets on the apron but Punk shoves Kane into her and she lands on the floor. Kane gets mad but Punk nails GTS on him for the win.
Winner: CM Punk(c)
- After the match, AJ is laid out on the floor. Kane scoops her up and carries her off to the back. Punk celebrates in the ring as we go back to replays.
*Dan Delaney and Rob Grymes vs. Ryback
We go to the ring and Lilian Garcia introduces two local wrestlers Rob Grymes and Dan Delaney. They cut a promo and sing about main eventing WrestleMania 29 across the street at MetLife Stadium. Ryback interrupts and out he comes.
The first guy charges and gets hitwith a huge back drop. The other guy goes down. Ryback yells stupid at the first guy and presses him high before bringing him down with a big slam. The other guy gets slammed on his face. Ryback goes to the second rope and falls down with a big splash. Ryback grabs them both for the big double finisher and the win.
Winner: Ryback
- We see the steel cage being lowered over the ring before they air a promo video for tonight’s main event.
*Steel Cage Match: Big Show vs. John Cena Cena tries to leave the cage but Show stops him. Cena connects with the AA on Show as Laurinaitis looks on. Cena covers Show but the referee is still knocked out. Clay stands guard at the door so Show can’t get out. Cena climbs the cage to escape it but Laurinaitis swings the crutch at him. Clay backs Laurinaitis off and holds him, allowing Show to climb out of the door and Cena fall to hit the floor. Cena apparently hit first as he is announced the winner of the match and his music begins to play.
Winner: John Cena
- Cena tells Clay he can let go of Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis swings the crutch but Cena ducks. Cena picks up Laurinaitis for the Attitude Adjustment and holds it as Vince tells Ace he’s fired. Cena puts Laurinaitis through the Spanish announcers table with the Attitude Adjustment as the crowd pops. Cena’s music hits as Vince walks off to the back and we go to replays. Cena climbs to the top of the cage to celebrate. We see Laurinaitis laid out at ringside as No Way Out 2012 goes off the air.